Get up to 70% subsidised course fees from IBF and even claim SkillsFuture credits when you sign up for Mastering Explosive Swings.
Dear Reader,
Do stocks you trade always give you a minor "heart attack" the moment you get in? ie. their prices either stagnate, reverse direction shortly after you buy in, or even experience a sell down!
It's almost like the market is going against you.
Mr Market tends to tell you "A" while the news and fellow traders tell you "B" - making it almost impossible to trade objectively, let alone collect profits.
Well, trading based on what the street says, noisy media outlets, and price history alone isn't a good approach to making profits today, as you would now know.
The market's PULSE is generally chaotic and filled with irregularities. But there's a predictable "rhythm" or "pattern" to even the most chaotic market pulse. You just need an effective trading system to get a "feel" of the pulse.
What if you could use technical analysis, leveraging the RIGHT technical indicators, price and volume action overlay to recognise the rhythm of the market's chaotic pulse to spot strong stocks with explosive potential?
Learn more in my upcoming FREE 2-hour live webinar where I briefly demonstrate how my proven trading system identifies stocks with STRONG momentum and help you get in at the RIGHT time.
Webinar Details
21 Aug 2024 (Wed, 7pm ‑ 9pm)
Register for the free preview via Zoom now
The 2-hour live webinar is a preview of my 3-day LIVE workshop, accredited by Institute of Banking & Finance (IBF) Singapore and is SkillsFuture credits claimable. What's more, Singaporeans and PRs can enjoy up to 70% subsidised course fees and pay for the remainder with SkillsFuture credits.
After 30+ years of trading in stock markets, I built this robust framework to optimise returns and mitigate risk, which I call Mastering Explosive Swings. The biggest benefit is knowing exactly WHEN - specific price points, down to the CENTS - to get in, days or sometimes even WEEKS ahead.
And this works for both upward and downward trends, allowing you to make handsome profits regardless of market conditions.
Here are the 3 key learning outcomes you can expect from Mastering Explosive Swings (3-day course):
1. Leverage a comprehensive and proven approach to navigating the equities markets to make profitable trades
2. Understand what moves stock prices, how supply and demand rule the markets, and how these affect trading decisions
3. Master momentum-based trading techniques that work in volatile market environments
Expect plenty of examples, case studies and over-the-shoulder LIVE walkthroughs throughout the 3 days of value-packed content. By the end, you would have gained in-depth knowledge on swing trading techniques, as well as money management.
While the course focuses primarily on the equities markets, the trading concepts and principles can be applied across ALL financial markets, including but not limited to forex, futures, and CFDs.
Get your hands dirty from day 1 to test your understanding of the key concepts, and an end-of-course assessment to solidify the learnings.
Learn more about the course, fees after subsidy, and how to take advantage of the IBF funding.

ck.pngAbout CK Ee
CK is a co-founder of Asia Charts Pte Ltd. Chief Operating Officer and Chief Trainer of Asia Charts.
A Full-time active trader in the equities and derivatives markets. CK is a practitioner of technical analysis and has been actively trading since 1993 in Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong and US markets.
He focuses in trading growth stocks that have potential for big gains and using derivative instruments like CFD, options and warrants for better returns. CK is also an active trader of the forex and futures markets.
In his 20 years of trading experience, CK has developed dozens of trading systems and methods for medium and short term (both swing and intra-day) trading. CK is widely recognized analyst and trainer in technical analysis and regularly featured.
CK holds a bachelor degree of Science from University of London and Master of Science from National University of Singapore. He is also a certified behaviour consultant has keen interest in area of trading psychology.
P.S. Stop frustrating over the NOISE and learn how to pick up the CORRECT SIGNALS, especially in a stagnating market with only a handful of strong market leaders giving most of the gains.
P.P.S. You don't need any prior stock market experience to understand the content of this webinar. It's DESIGNED for beginner traders and investors who want to be ahead of the general market.
The contents of this document, including the terms and conditions, are subject to change and may be modified, deleted or replaced from time to time and at any time at the sole and absolute discretion of CyberQuote Pte Ltd ("CQ"). CQ accepts no responsibility for the results of any actions taken by students after attending our courses, nor for the accuracy or completeness of any material contained herein. Information on courses or any other arrangement for courses, including fees, staffing and class sizes are an expression of CQ's intentions only and do not constitute a firm offer or undertaking to you. CQ reserves the right to discontinue or vary courses without notice and to impose limitations on enrolment in any course. Opinions and projections reflect our opinion as of the date of the analysis and are subject to change without notice. Investors should make their own investment and trading decision based on their own final analysis. All forms of investments carry risks, including the risk of losing all of the invested amount. Such activities may not be suitable for everyone. Past performance is not indicative of future results.
Asia Charts Pte Ltd
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